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You must call this before you can use any other cfObjects tag. It is recommended that you call this tag from within your application.cfm file. cfoInit is responsible for creating the internal Object Pool, Event Handler Pool and Class Registry data structures. Additionally, it defines the library path used by the framework to locate classes.

The libPath attribute of this tag is extremely important. It is used to define a comma-separated list of ColdFusion mappings. Each ColdFusion mapping listed should point to a phyiscal directory structure containing the classes used by your application. This allows you to define multiple class libraries to your application, and share common class libraries across multiple applications. The order of the mappings is important. That is, when calling cfoCreateObject, the framework will look for the class definition in the first mapping listed, then the next, and so on until the class is found.

Attribute Description Default Required
libPath A comma-separated string that lists one or more ColdFusion mappings. Each ColdFusion mapping (which is defined in the CF administrator) should map to a physical directory continaing your classes.   Yes
purgeClassRegistry Boolean value that can be used to force the framework to purge the class registry with each page request. Useful for debugging and development. "no" No
remoteCFO Boolean value to specify whether you are hosting on a shared server ("yes") or own/operate/ administer your own domain ("no") "no" No
debug Boolean value to turn on debugging mode. This will create a variable named "request.cfo.debug" that can be checked within your methods to indicate that debug information should be generated. "no" No
dumpClassRegistry Boolean value to toggle displaying the entire contents of the Class Registry at the end of the page request. "no" No
dumpObjectPool Boolean value to toggle displaying the entire contents of the application-scope Object Pool at the end of the page request. "no" No
dumpHandlerPool Boolean value to toggle displaying the entire contents of the Event Handler Pool at the end of the page request. "no" No


    libPath="MyAppLib, cfo20Lib"
