This method will clear the contents of the object by setting each attribute to either
an empty string, or to the default value provided. This method does not delete the
attributes -- it clears/resets their values.
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
Required |
include |
Comma-separated list of attributes to erase. If not list is provided,
then all attributes are erase.
No |
exclude |
Comma-separated list of attributes to erase. If not list is provided,
then all attributes are erase.
No |
default |
Value to set fieldst to. Default is an empty string.
No |
<!--- this example erases all fields --->
<cf_cfoInvokeMethod method="aPerson.erase">
<!--- this example erases only firstName and LastName --->
<cf_cfoInvokeMethod method="aPerson.erase" include="firstName,lastName">
<!--- this example erases all except dateOfBirth --->
<cf_cfoInvokeMethod method="aPerson.erase" exclude="dateOfBirth">
<!--- this example sets all fields to zero --->
<cf_cfoInvokeMethod method="aPerson.erase" default="0">