When defining methods for your class, what you need to do is break down each action that the class can possibly
perform and write a method for each of those actions. Let's think about the page class for a minute. Now a Web page
has many standard elements to it - the header which holds the HEAD tag, the META tags and the TITLE tag among others,
a page also defines navigation areas, content areas and usually a footer to hold the copyright information.
Now here we've defined four (4) distinct actions that a Web page performs, so let's define a method for each one.
Create five files in your page directory named:
- buildPageHeader.cfm
- buildNavigation.cfm
- defineMainContent.cfm
- buildFooter.cfm
Open the buildPageHeader (buildPageHeader.cfm) method enter this code:
<html> <head> <title>
<cfoutput>#self.title#</cfoutput></title> </head>
<body bgcolor="<cfoutput>#self.bgcolor#</cfoutput>">
Open the buildNavigation method and put this code in it: <table bgcolor="##c0c0c0" width="100%" border="0">
<td><a href="handler.cfm?event=ShowMyInfo">My Personal
<td><a href="handler.cfm?event=ShowMyResume">My
</tr> </table>
Open the defineMainContent method and put this code in it: <br> <table bgcolor="##ffffff" width="100%" border="0">
Open the buildFooter method and put this code in
</tr> </table> <br> <hr>< br><br> <table
bgcolor="##ffffff" width="100%"
© 2002 by MyCompany</td>
</tr> </table>
</body> </html>
Now we've created the basic methods to build a Page object and start making Web pages! So let's try it.
Move to Step 9 -->