Getting Started
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Creating Objects
Invoking Methods
Using Events
Handling I
Handling II

Tag Reference

Object Reference


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We will create an event at the top of our HTML that can be handled by any page which can specify which graphic to display there.

First, open up the buildPageHeader method from the Page class. Right after the <body> tag, insert a <br> tag and then hit enter for a new line. Next, click the cfoRaiseEvent button on your cfObjects toolbar (the one that has a gun on it) and in fill the fields so that it looks like this...

For those using the internal implementation, you do not need to set the Path To Class Dir field or check the Shared Server Developement box. Just fill in the Event field.

Click Ok and now your buildPageHeader code should look like this...

<cfoutput>#self.title#</cfoutput> </title>

<body bgcolor=
" <cfoutput>#self.bgcolor# </cfoutput>">
<cf_cfoRaiseEvent eventName="pageHeaderGraphic">*

* From this point on I will only show the internal development version of the framework tags. Just keep remembering to add in the additional information if you are a remote developer.

Step 13 -->