Getting Started
Setting Up
Creating Objects
Invoking Methods
Using Events
Handling I
Handling II

Tag Reference

Object Reference


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Create a showHeaderGraphic.cfm file in the Page class and insert the following code to display the specified graphic file.


<cfparam name="attributes.graphicFile">

<img src="/<cfoutput>#attributes.graphicFile#</cfoutput>">

Last, but certainly not least, create a simple image named home_page.gif and save it into the root directory of your site. Now refresh index.cfm and you'll see the image show up at the very top of the page.

This is the basics of raising and handling events on your site. I hope that you can see the potential that this feature gives you for creating truly dynamic, flexible sites. Play around with the where you raise your events. Make multiple events throughout your Page class code and then handle different ones on different pages.

Move to Step 15 -->
